ZOTTO SLEEP Promo Codes & Deals


The idea for Zotto arrived purely by accident. At a backyard barbecue, Zotto co-founder Shawn Keep complained to a friend (who happened to be in the foam-making business) how he was waking up with back problems. His friend suggested he try a memory foam mattress and offered to make him one.Shawn took him up on the offer and they went to work experimenting with various formulas.  They finally landed on a combination that found Shawn waking up without back pain, he loved it but there was just one problem – it slept hot. Really hot. We’re talking sauna hot! (Not surprising since memory foam mattresses had a reputation for sleeping hot.)  So Shawn went back to the drawing board.  Dozens of temperature regulating and phase-change materials were tested until they discovered a dual phase-change material that not only kept the mattress cool, it was actually capable of redistributing heat if the mattress became too cold.  This was a technology not found anywhere on the market.